When is the Best Time to Take Collagen?

When is the Best Time to Take Collagen?

Collagen supplements are a great way to keep your skin looking youthful and hydrated, keeping your hair strong and shiny, improving your nail and bone strength, and helping maintain your joints. I mean, what’s not to like?

So, if you are taking your SkinGlo collagen, you may be wondering when you should take your supplement. Well, don’t worry, we’re here for you. We’ll look at a few of the tips you might hear about taking collagen supplements.

When is the best time to take collagen for the best results?

While there are plenty of suggestions floating around, really, the best time of day to take your collagen supplement is whenever works best for you. Suppose you like to take it in the morning, great. If you prefer it as a snack during the day, great, or if you want to take it before bed, that’s also great. Either way, you’re boosting your collagen to help your skin, hair, nails, joints, and bones.

Is it ok to take collagen on an empty stomach?

We recommend that you take our supplement on an empty stomach or with a cold drink; this gives your body the best chance to absorb all the necessary nutrients and soak up all the goodness.

Should I take collagen in the morning or at night?

Taking collagen supplements in the morning

A standard recommendation is to take it in the morning, first thing. The main reason for this is that you take the supplement on an empty stomach. This suggestion potentially has some reasoning, and we suggest you take SkinGlo on an empty stomach. However, you can take your collagen supplement on an empty stomach at whatever time of day suits you.

Taking collagen supplements at night

Taking it at night tends to be the other tip that is most often heard regarding collagen supplements. This is because your body recovers while you sleep, allowing your body plenty of time to process the collagen. But unfortunately, there is no evidence to back up this claim like the previous suggestion.

Taking collagen supplements with vitamin C

This suggestion has some foundation as vitamin c helps improve collagen production. Nevertheless, there is no evidence you need to consume vitamin c at the same time as collagen.

However, you should ensure you’re getting your daily amount. With our SkinGlo collagen, we include vitamin C as one of the ingredients to ensure you are kept topped up and take the hassle out of worrying you’re getting enough.

You can even get creative with your sachet and look at our blog on five ways to take your daily SkinGlo collagen.