Party Season Skincare

Party Season Skincare

With any luck, we’ll all be attending a few events this month as the festive season gets into its stride. While deciding what to wear and watching how much you eat and drink is always a cause for concern, most of you are probably worried about looking your best. Well, don’t worry, we’re here to lend a helping hand.

Keep doing what you’re doing

Although it might be tempting to buy some new products and go full force with every skincare option under the sun, now is not the time. We’d hope that you have a pretty good skincare ritual already, so stick with that. Changing things up could lead to breakouts or dry skin. Save the experimenting for another time of year.

Get a good night’s sleep

Having a good night’s sleep is great for many things. Plus, who doesn’t like waking up feeling refreshed in the morning? Not only will you reduce your chances of yawning in front of other party-goers, but it can also help reduce under-eye circles and may reduce skin conditions such as eczema, acne and psoriasis. So try to make a special effort to sleep well for the week leading up to the event.

Do a mini facial at home

Treat yourself to a mini facial at home in the lead up to a big occasion. Use an exfoliator and a masque suitable for your skin type. You can also add serums and peels to the mix if you want to. It’s essential to know your skin type for this. Firstly, make sure you use products that will help, not hinder, your skin. Secondly, know your skin and work out which day is best to perform your mini facial. If you get redness for a while after exfoliating, doing it the day of the party might not be a good idea. Equally, if you often have breakouts a day or two after using masks, keep that in mind.

Eat well and drink plenty of water

We know we sound like a broken record, but staying hydrated and maintaining a healthy diet will work wonders for your skin. Keeping topped up with water can help prevent water retention, which can lead to puffiness and will help your skin stay hydrated. Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits will help provide your body with the nutrients it needs to help your skin look its best, so keep sugar to a minimum and fill up on the good stuff in the lead up to the event. Here’s a bonus tip for you, excess sodium can leave you looking puffy, so limit sodium-rich foods a day or two before the event.

Time your exercise

Exercise is excellent for the body and mind, including your skin. We certainly wouldn’t suggest stopping exercising before the event. After all, it can boost our morale and make us feel better. However, intense exercise can leave some flushed and red, particularly those with sensitive skin. If this is the case, either do something less intense on the big day or head out for a walk instead.

Remember the rest of your body

Last but certainly not least, remember the rest of your body. It’s easy to concentrate on the face when you’re gearing up for a big occasion, but make sure you look after everywhere else too. For example, using a body scrub in the shower will help remove dull and dead skin cells from the surface. Follow up with a body moisturiser while your skin is slightly damp to lock in the hydration and keep your skin soft and looking its best. Also, if you like to fake tan, time that in carefully in the week leading up to the day – nobody wants to look like a traffic cone.