How To Get Hair To Grow Longer

How To Get Hair To Grow Longer

Taking vitamins often but not seeing results as quickly as you want? According to Mark Townsend, a celebrity hair expert suggested that hair only really grows a quarter inch each month and this only tends to happen if your hair is actually healthy. Here’s some good news – there are ways to actually speed up the process.

Get Your Monthly Chop In

If you’re looking for serious hair growth, frequent hair trimming is key. This non-negotiable tool to see rapid hair growth will not only help to reduce thinning, but it will help to get your hair past that length that you really don’t like (boo for just-past-shoulder length hair).  Tip: try taking off around an eighth of an inch every 10 weeks to ensure you don’t have split ends coming your way.

Shampoo Less

The purpose of shampoo is simply to wash away the excess oils and dirt buildup but can be quite drastic on the health of your hair if used regularly. However, as shampoos tend to include an abundance of harmful chemicals such as parabens and paraffin that strip away the natural oils in your hair. Tip: it may be ideal to either skip shampooing and condition your hair, or to choose a sulfate-free shampoo (which can be found in almost every drugstore and supermarket).

Wash With Cold Water

Townsend also mentioned that washing your hair with cold water gives your hair the power to grow. This is simply because it helps to prevent moisture loss and heat damage that can be caused when using hot water. Tip: Simply do this for a few seconds before you’re out of the shower and you’re good to go.

Make DIY Conditions

Cut out the harsh chemicals and throw in some TLC in your haircare by creating your own deep-conditioners. Using natural ingredients such as coconut oil, almond oil and lavender oil can make a massive difference to the overall appearance, strength and length of your hair. Tip: apply your DIY conditioner to damp hair for around 10 to 15 minutes before you shampoo (using a good sulfate-free product) and conditioning. This will allow your scalp to soak in fatty acids to strengthen and protect each strand of hair as well as the follicles. 

Invest In Good Scalp Care

This is a vital aspect of lengthening hair and protecting those hair follicles you oh-so-love. As you may know, the dermis and epidermis are extremely important layers of your scalp as they hold the hair follicles, glands as well as other vital aspects. Introducing scalp care into your hair care routine will give you serious lengthening points and impact the hair fibre by a mile. Tip: use castor oil, or simply mix a few essential oils into a bottle and use frequently throughout the week. Massage it thoroughly into your hair and leave for 30 mins then wash out. 

So now that you know hair can’t be grown overnight, it’s vital to put in place the necessary steps to help keep it as humanly healthy as possible. Be sure to keep away from the nasty chemical-ridden shampoos and place an emphasis on scalp and DIY conditioning. You’ll be sure to see results in no time.