How Long Does It Take Collagen Supplements To Work?

How Long Does It Take Collagen Supplements To Work?

If you’ve decided that taking collagen is the right choice for you, it’s likely that you’ll be wondering ‘how long does it take for collagen supplements to work?’. Collagen can have a wide array of benefits, including:

But exactly how long does collagen take to work? It’s natural to be impatient and to want to see results as soon as possible, but there are a multitude of factors that need to be taken into account first. Read on to learn when you can expect to start seeing results.

How Long Does Collagen Take To Work? Factors To Consider

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to ‘how long does it take collagen supplements to work?’. Factors including your age, your overall health, the type of collagen you take, and the quality of the collagen supplements you take can all have an impact. Let’s take a closer look at these…

1. Your Age

The answer to ‘how long does collagen take to work?’ will depend largely on your age, as this is one of the primary factors that influences the levels of collagen found in your body. While you’re young, your body will continually produce collagen, meaning your skin will continue to thrive with elasticity and wound healing. But once you reach the age of 30, your natural collagen levels will have started to decrease – which may be starting to show itself in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

In some cases, such as if you have an auto-immune disease, age won’t be as much of a factor, as the condition may inhibit your ability to produce enough collagen. In this case, it may be likely that a collagen drink or supplement won’t help, and it may be best to speak to your doctor about alternative ways to improve your collagen levels naturally.

As you start to get older (from your 30th birthday onwards), collagen supplements like our liquid collagen drinks may give you a helping hand. Don’t just take our word for it though, some people age quicker than others and vice versa – we told you there’s no straightforward answer to ‘how long does it take for collagen supplements to work?’!

2. Collagen Type

The type of collagen you take can also impact how long it takes for collagen supplements to work. Collagen can be found in a range of different forms, which includes around 15 types; of these, there are 5 main types that stand out. Learn more about these below.

Types of collagen and their locations in the body | Download Table

Source: ResearchGate

As you may expect, the type of collagen that you consume will influence the type of effects you can expect from your supplements. For example, if you’re taking type 3 collagen, you’ll be supporting stronger ligaments, as well as a boost to the youthful appearance of your skin and its elasticity. In contrast, those choosing type 5 collagen will be helping to support stronger lungs, bones, and overall muscle health.

3. Collagen Quality

Another key factor in ‘how long does collagen take to work?’ is the quality of the supplements you’re using. As with all medication and supplements, the more you take of it, the more potent it will be. However, it is important to note that certain products, when taken in large doses, can have negative side effects, so be sure to read the instruction guide that comes with the supplement before you ingest it.

Collagen isn’t dangerous when taken in large doses; like with vitamin C, the more you take, the more your body will use and will pass through. Taking more than the recommended dose of collagen won’t rapidly give you a youthful appearance, while taking too little won’t have an effect at all. All collagen supplements will have different recommended doses, so check the instructions beforehand. SKINGLO collagen drinks come in handy sachets, with each one containing all the daily collagen you need.

4. Your Overall Health

The answer to ‘how long does it take for collagen to work?’ will also depend on your overall health. Your body dedicates a lot of time and effort into fighting off illnesses, so for you to hurt it with the likes of smoking and drinking will mean it will have to spend longer clearing your body of toxins. The more you’re ingesting and inhaling the wrong things, the less energy will be spent on healing your skin’s collagen supply.

Smoking in particular can be hugely detrimental to your health, as it damages every part of your body, and your body will begin suffering as a result. Taking collagen supplements will not repair your collagen for the damage smoking has done, so quitting is the only option. To summarise, if you smoke, the answer to ‘how long does it take for collagen supplements to work?’ will be significantly impacted by this lifestyle habit. Find NHS advice on stopping smoking.

5. Sun Exposure

Sun exposure is another factor that can impact the answer to ‘how long does collagen take to work?’. Sun damage can really affect the strength of your skin, as exposure to too much sun without the correct protection can lead to your existing collagen supply breaking down.

This means that if you spend a long time outdoors, you’re more likely to see wrinkles and fine lines appearing quicker than those that don’t spend as much time outside. Protecting your skin from sun damage is extremely vital as it can go a long way towards helping and preventing collagen from depleting, and in helping any collagen supplements you take to get to work faster.

How Long Does It Take For Collagen To Work? Find Out With SKINGLO

There’s no better way to experience how long collagen takes to work than to try it for yourself. At SKINGLO, you’ll find a range of specially formulated collagen drinks, including marine collagen and vegan collagen formulas – there’s something for everyone.

Packed with high-quality nutrients to benefit your skin, hair, and nails, SKINGLO is your go-to collagen drink for all your ageing skin needs. Age gracefully with SKINGLO – try our collagen supplements for yourself to discover our secrets. Shop the full collection today.