5 Tips to Make Your Skin Glow in the New Year

5 Tips to Make Your Skin Glow in the New Year

It’s the New Year, the time of resolutions. Here at SkinGlo, we cannot think of a better resolution than being kind to your skin and making it glow. If you’re like us and want to improve your skin this year, we’ve done some of the legwork for you and come up with five tips to help make your resolution a reality.

Cleanse, Tone and Moisturise

Keeping a daily skincare routine should be something you do anyway, but if it isn’t, start now. Ideally, you should be cleansing, toning, and moisturising in the morning and the evening. This, however, is a bit much for those with sensitive skin. Some people find rinsing with water and moisturising in the morning and then cleansing, toning, and moisturising at night is better. It’s worth experimenting and finding what’s best for you. Oh, and don’t forget to exfoliate twice a week.

Stay Hydrated

Drink, drink, drink. Reading that might remind you of your early twenties, but we’re not talking about spirit and energy drink combos; nope, just good old water will do the trick. A lack of hydration will make your skin look dull and can accentuate wrinkles. Grab a reusable bottle and take it wherever you go making sure to sip from it throughout the day.

Eat Well

What you eat influences your skin as well as a range of other things. We all know that limiting the amount of sugary and greasy foods is better for us in general, and it is really good for our skin. Avoiding the bad stuff and filling up with fruit and vegetables, which will contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals, will do wonders for your skin. Berries and nuts such as walnuts and almonds are particularly good as they are rich in polyphenols that help protect the skin.

Wear Protection – SPF That Is

The sun emits UVA and UVB rays, which over time can age and dull your skin. Be sure to put some SPF protection on before you leave the house to defend yourself from the sun’s rays. Go for an SPF of 30 or more, making sure your coat your face and neck. Oh, and just because it’s raining or cloudy doesn’t mean those pesky rays won’t find you.

Supplement with Collagen

Sorry, but we had to give ourselves a mention here. When we turn 20, we lose 1% of our collagen rate a year, meaning we create 10% less by the time we reach 30. Topping up your collagen reserves leads to firmer, smoother, and younger-looking skin. Drink one of our SkinGlo sachets in the morning to be kept topped up. Oh, and they taste delicious too.

You can shop our SkinGlo collagen drinks here