5 Self-Care Tips for the Lockdown Anniversary

5 Self-Care Tips for the Lockdown Anniversary

It’s now been a year since the first lockdown, and there have certainly been highs and lows. With any luck, the route out of this pandemic is getting closer. The thought that normality could be soon returning is undoubtedly welcome. Nevertheless, we know this is a tough time for many, so we decided to create a list of self-care ideas to help keep you mentally, physically and emotionally healthy as we enter Spring.


It may not sound like a lot of fun, but having a good clear out, tidy and clean can do wonders for you. If your house seems messy or cluttered, it can be a source of stress. Even if you don’t think it impacts you, just see how much better you’ll feel when you’ve tidied up. Think tidy house, tidy mind.

Go for a Walk

You may have been walking a lot during all the lockdowns as there wasn’t much else to do. Nevertheless, going for a walk in the springtime is a beautiful thing. The flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is beginning to show itself more, and the air is warming up. It’s a great thing to do in the morning or at lunch to get some fresh air in the day. Even if it’s a quick walk around the corner, we think you’ll find the benefit.


There’s a reason it’s a standard recommendation in all sorts of health and self-care lists; it’s good for you. You can exercise in many ways, whether running, yoga, lifting weights or participating in sports. Find a form of exercise you enjoy and then try to do it three times a week and build from there. Just 10 minutes of something is better than nothing; we all have to start somewhere.

Reduce Screen Time

If you spend your working day in front of a computer screen like us, limiting your screen time outside of work won’t be a bad thing. It’s easy to sit watching the telly or looking at your phone in the dark evenings of winter. However, with warmer weather and lighter evenings, it’s a perfect time to get away from the screens and enjoy the world around you.

Treat Yourself

Spend a few moments looking after yourself. Whether you like reading a book, having a bath, meditating, stretching, or whatever else it might be, having some time put aside to relax and unwind is essential to refresh and recharge. Finding just 10 minutes each day can make a big difference.

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